I've never had a baby before so as far as knowing what fetal movement feels like I guess I can't really be too sure. But I have to say I thought I felt a very distinct "jump" in my tummy last week. It was awesome. Two nights ago I was lying in bed, and I felt a lot of flutters so..... I guess it's happening!
Feeling your child move inside you for the first time is so surreal. Honestly, in the first few months of my pregnancy sometimes it was hard to believe there was a little person growing inside of me (aside from the evidence of feeling exhausted and nauseous). It is truly a gift from God that He allows us to feel our child's movement inside of us. He didn't have to design it that way, but He did. What a blessing!
Lord willing, we have 5 more months to go. Then Daddy, baby and I will all finally be able to meet face to face. I can't even begin to fathom what that will be like, but I DO know that I can't wait until the day comes.
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