Wednesday, October 19, 2011


It's about 10pm.  I just sat down at my desk because I felt like blogging.  I stared at the empty computer screen for awhile, and then I stared some more.  So I thought to myself, I have nothing to say.  No tales of Emergency Room visits, tests, hospital visits, or any other kind of drama.  I am healthy.  My baby is alive and kicking (all day long today, fiercely even), my son is healthy, and so is my husband.  All of it is so much more than I could have ever asked for.  Peace in this house tonight.  Just peace and quiet.

I've been thinking lately about where I was a year and half ago.  It seems like a century ago.  All I wanted then was to stop bleeding, to raise my son and live.  I wasn't asking God for babies, material things or really anything like that.  I just wanted to live, and I wanted to be healthy again.  

I couldn't imagine then that this is where I might be today.  I am more than just alive.  We are expecting another baby in March, my husband is working close to home (so we get to see him more), Ethan is healthy and happy (for the most part at least ;) ), and I am healthy.  God answered my prayers and then some.

So tonight, while I have no dramatic news, I have an answer to prayer, even better than what I'd hoped.  My heart is full, and God is good.  And tonight, I'm feeling so blessed and thankful for the lack of drama.   

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