I have to say I go to Shop Rite AT LEAST once a week, and the two "Preferred Pregnant" parking spots are ALWAYS taken. Finally, yesterday when we got there one of the spots was open. There was another spot just as close to the front door as that one and closer to where our car was stopped at that moment but I exclaimed to Aron, "Hurry! It's open! It's never open! We have to take it!" It was silly, but I can NEVER get that spot. Victory finally!
When I was about 17 and first had my driver's license I shopped for my family's groceries often. One day I saw the pregnancy spots, and I decided to take one. I didn't feel like parking on the other side of the parking lot, and I was in a rush. I saw the sign and thought, "Oh, they just PREFER you're pregnant to park here." After checking out at the register I happily wheeled my cart out the front door right to my car. I heard an old man behind me say, "She doesn't look pregnant to me." I laughed to myself reflecting on what a cranky old man he was assuming he was jealous that he had to walk further than me to get to this car.
I get it now.
I can't even count the amount of times I've come out of Shop Rite and seen women who CLEARLY weren't pregnant getting in and out of their cars in those parking spots, and it has made me angry. One thing is certain, I won't be parking there after my baby is born.
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